Monday, June 8, 2009


Here's a blog about my housemates and I brewing huge amounts of beer. We're terrible and don't really know what we're doing but we're making a lot of great beer so we've decided to share what we're up to.

Here's what we've got brewing at the moment:
  • 3x Wander Munich Lager + Coopers Brew Enhancer #1 + European lager yeast
  • Wander Draught + Coopers Brew Enhancer #1 + Ale yeast
  • Brewcraft Blonde Pilsner + Bag of sugers the homebrew-shop-guy gave us + European lager yeast
  • Irish Stout + 1kg Dark Malt Extract + Ale yeast
  • Irish Cream + 1kg Light Malt Extract + Ale yeast
Stay tuned for more tales of brewing.

1 comment:

  1. Comment from Sally (she is too lazy to register an account):

    With a label like 'Alchoholics' and 'procrastination' you should know the scene is set - another reference point is that I refer to this collective as the 'House of Random', I hope that helps.. Oh and Bodens Belgium is so good I passed a cup around at a house warming and only got half of it back!
