Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Brew-ski - A tale of dismal failure and ignorant mistakes

G'day guys

So, let me say from the beginning that we really screwed the hooch with this one (and by we I mean Quester...). The devilishly clever name stemmed from the fact that this was was a straight kit made from Cooper's Canadian Lager.

Our (Quester's) inventive approach for testing the gravity for this batch was to open the lid of the vat and insert the gravity tester directly into the brew. An unfortunate side-effect of allowing this much oxygen into your brew is that all your delicious alcohol into less-than-delicious vinegar. Thus we ended up with a brew that tasted like an overly-dressed salad, minus the salad, that delivered immediate heart-burn for any poor fool who was brave enough to try it.

We are, understandably, reluctant to try this kit again, even when armed with the full knowledge of our complete and utter blame in the matter. We offer no opinions or advice based on this brew other than this very important lesson: always read the instructions before leaping wildly in the general direction of ignorance and failure.

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