Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wild Beery, why embracing your creative side is not necessarily a good thing

Hey guys

As you may guess from the name the recipe for Wild Beery included, yep you guessed it, berries. We used a Wander Draught kit and, in order to zest it up a little Boden and I decided to add something a little extra as a surprise for the other guys.

Now I want to make it clear from the outset that we took every precaution. We used frozen packet berries (which as far as we have researched is just as steril as canned food) which we boiled in water before pouring through a strainer to avoid both bacteria and bits. We then added some yeast nutrient (which was just the Wander kit yeast boiled down for eight minutes) and 1.3kg of sugar.

The result, much to our distress and bemusement, was a beer that tasted even more like battery acid than Corona (yes Corona fans, I hate you all). Seriously, we had trouble giving this beer away. We finally had to wait until everyone at my party was so pissed from decent brews that they couldn't taste the difference. We still have a few bottles of it left but it's safe to say that they'll either be poured down the drain or given to our mate Tim, who is essentially a dumpster of filth anyway.


  1. It really wasn't *that* bad. Then again I did drink it when I was blind so that may have some influence on what I thought of the taste...

  2. Haha, A most excellent post.
