Monday, June 29, 2009

Tell us how bad our beer is

If you were at Alex's party the other night you were probably drinking some of our homebrew. I think we had the following in the tub:
  1. Ginger Binger. Had 'GB' on the cap. Tasted like ginger
  2. Powered by Centrelink. Had a dollar sign on the cap
  3. Wild Beery. You will know what this one was if you have a functional tongue
Leave a comment and tell us what you thought of the beer. We didn't put our best brews into the tub because we don't like any of you that would have cost too much money. So feel free to say they were awful.

Personally I loved the ginger beer. Very gingery and very sweet, much more flavour than Bluetoungue's version. Powered by Centrelink was okay but nothing to be very proud of. Wild beery was a bit of a disaster and I hope we can all forget about it soon.

edit: Either we have no readers (likely) or no one can work out how to comment (less likely). Anonymous comments have been turned on!

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